Hello, my name is...

Hey guys!
Just came out with 3 new pics, very original.

So, yeah, very original.
Hope you like em!

If you have an Idea for a pic, let me know! at wingmasterguns@gmail.com


  1. WingMasterMay 31, 2012 6:29 AM
    What do you mean by Dark?
    Not such a dark pic? or dark as in evil?

    But, sure, I can make up something for ya.

    I mean, like the background being a lighter color :) and instead of putting BigNerfDude in it, put TropicalWxBlogger please.
    Like last time surprise me with the design, :D

    1. So, you want a new design?
      I can do that.

      Thnx for commenting as always!


  2. Replies
    1. Well, A lot of people underestimate my design skills, and ask for weird little pics (you wouldn't believe what they've asked for)
      So, this is just a simple one, plus, I'm running out of ideas :P


  3. Thanks Wing. when you finish it, email it to me at screaminfalcon@yahoo.com please and thanks.


Thanks for commenting!