
Hey guys, just thought I'd start posting again, I've been doing some on and off modding, so here's one of the mods I did, I recomend first having two WORKING Mavericks when doing this mod.

So as it is mine were both broken so I can't test em out too well (one fires the other doesn't), but when doing this mod it does nothing to the internals. so it's safe.
 looks pretty, ay?

On this picture it looks like the gun is insanely uncomfortable, but my hand is like that 
because of holding the camera in the other hand.

When holding the blaster you can actually use the back maverick like a stock, and changing from one to another is insanely fast!

So for all those who want to do this mod, here's how.

  • Get two Mavericks, or I guess two of any blaster almost (I'm gonna do it with some Nitefinders soon)
  • There's a seam on the maverick handle, cut it right about on the purple line
  • Then, either take glue or a soldering iron (soldering works best) and glue the mavericks together by their handles.
  • Now take a saw or knife and cut along the seam to where the gun could still open.
  • And now you're done!
Welp, there you go!

Hope you enjoyed this, and let me know if you does this mod, you can email me at wingmasterguns@gmail.com


  1. Short and to the point. I like it! Now you gotta get another two Mavs and make 'em like Nunchuks!

    1. Lol, maybe I will :D
      And thanks, I'm trying to get better at posting without boring peoples heads off :P

      So I was thinking of making something like a diatron with two NFs, we'll see what happens!




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