Reformation of the blog

Hey guys!
Sorry for not posting lately, I've been really busy.

But, now I'm going to be even more busy, but this is for the blog.

I'm going to remodel the blog! new header, new colors and a new background!

Let me know if you find any patterns that you like!

I'll be designing the header, but you can get me ideas!

And the colors, that's just if the colors should be gray, white or black. or all!

Thanks, and be sure to let me know what to do!

Hey guys!
As you might have noticed, (it'd be hard not to have) I have redone all the colors!
The header most likely won't stay, I'm still working on ideas.

Let me know of any ideas you have!


  1. I think the background/theme should be gray and black with a lighter color for the font.

    1. Ok, thanks for the ideas!
      fun fact, without knowing it, on a mac, the background of this blog is butterflies and leaves for some reason.

    2. That's funny, I also think you need a new page added to your website.

    3. What about making Stefans and Slugs, or Nerf War pics and footage.

    4. Good idea, I'll think about it.
      Every thing that someone adds makes more and more ideas, so don't be afraid to let me know what they are! :)

  2. Umm, who was the person who said, "I want a gun like that..."?
    I guess you could get one with my website plastered on, but who would want that? :P


Thanks for commenting!